Der WuEste 39. Jahr 8. Monat 30. Tag im Jahre 5781 nach Lilith

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32, Männlich

Beiträge: 47

Der WuEste 39. Jahr 8. Monat 30. Tag im Jahre 5781 nach Lilith

von admin am 17.10.2021 21:59

†αG 14487
709. Tag des Ehernen Jahres der Gerechtigkeit
Totalitäre Vorladung des Nazitieres Faschistenaffen Kriegs- und Wirtschaftsverbrecher Täterscharen zum Allerheiligsten Gericht
† Zum Gedenken an die ungezählten Opfer des medizin-gewerblich organisierten Völkermordes an den Heiligen †


Kriegsverbrechen - Sieg ohne Corona-Heil - Die Täter des Herodes-Corona-Komplexes
Dein Tod-Feind, der Arzt!
aus: Der politische korrekte Genozid der Weißkittelmedizin
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Wir fordern das Blut der Opfer eurer Baby-Genozid-Medizin am Gottesvolk der Heiligen von eurer Hand - αMen!
aus: So spricht JHWH: Prophetie Gestern und Morgen
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5777

179. Tag der Gegenoffensive zur Vernichtung des Antichristen 9/11-Welturheberkriegsverbrecher faschistischen COVID-19-Welt-Diktatur der Baby-Genozid-Medizin-Junta des Nazitieres IV. Reiches Satans
Des Baalskultes dämonische Kapitaleignerklasse des 9/11-Welturheberkrieges DRM vs YHWH@COVID-19-Faschismus-Offensive einschließlich derer national- und sozialfaschistischen Täterbanden in den Nationen und Staaten der Völker sowie derer kollaborierende Herdenüberaffenmassen erhielten striktes Zutrittsverbot ins Himmlische Yerushalayim! Sie wurden allesamt von der Erde verbannt, indem der Bann an ihnen mit der Schärfe des Schwertes geschlagen wurde, so sie ausnahmslos in des Höllenreiches Ewigen Feuersee endeten, indem sie als des Ewigen Juden Dämonen ihre Überaffenexistenz in Ewigkeit verbunden blieben.
aus: Mein Traum: Groß-Israel - Erinnerungen des jüdischen Messias
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Vermeinten die dämonischen Überaffen tatsächlich, nur weil ihnen ihrer brüllenden und seuchenpestenden Heuschrecken Giftgas-Vergasungen Auspuffungen nicht in ihre Pilotenkabinen zurückgeführt wurden, dass die von ihnen verursachten Giftgas-Vergasungen Giftgase ins Nichts verströmten oder von Gaia ins All abgestrahlt wurden? So dämlichen konnten doch nicht einmal diese dämonischen Morons ein! - Ja, freilich wenn das Kannibalengesindel, anstatt mit dem Bau von Autobahnen des Dämonenreiches Dämonenlagers abscheulich Hässlichkeit zu verbreiten, Wälder gepflanzt und des Himmelreiches atmender Seele Schönheit auf Erden gesät hätten .... - doch an dessen statt verbrannten und vernichteten die debilen Kannibalenaffen auch noch die bisher von ihrer Raubaffenwirtschaft verschont gebliebenen Wälder, um für ihres fäkalfaschistischen Suchtsystems Animalkannibalismus Tier-Folterlager mit renditemaximierter Effizienz zu betreiben, diese dämonischen Gottesfeinde!
aus: Nachruf auf eine ausgestorbene Affenrasse
†Raum Verlag, Lunatic City 5779

Der Reichsminister für völkischen Gesundheitsschutz und KZ-Lagerstaatsmedizin hat, nachdem die neuesten Ergebnisse einer Studie über den hochinfektiösen Impfwahnsinn, einem Symptomkomplex bestehend aus Creutzfeldt-Jakob und Alzheimer Symptomen, veröffentlicht wurden, auf der gesetzlichen Grundlage des Infektionsschutz-Ermächtigungsgesetzes der fäkalfaschistischen COVID-19-KZ-Medizin-Lagerstaats-Republik Deutschland entschieden, dass sämtliche an dem hochansteckenden Impfwahnsinn Erkrankten oder Verdächtigen von den KZ-Lagerstaatsfachmediziner der kommunalen KZ-Lagerstaatsmedizinämter gekeult werden, um der Weiterverbreitung des hochansteckenden Impfwahnsinns im COVID-19-KZ-Medizin-Lagerstaat den dringend notwendig gebotenen Einhalt zu gebieten. Nach den Ergebnissen der Studie tritt der Impfwahnsinn als eine unerwünschte Kreuzwirkung der COVID-19 Impfung bei etwa 13% der Geimpften auf. Dabei wirkt die von der Impfung verursachte Genmanipulation in Ausnahmefällen nicht nur auf des Herrentieres somatische Gene impfschützend heilsam ein, sondern es kommt über das Fasciensystem des Primaten zu einer sogenannten Kreuzreaktion mit der Quantenmatrix, wodurch die hochansteckende Infektionskrankheit des Impfwahnsinns entsteht. Das Tückische dabei ist nun, dass der Code des Erregers des Impfwahnsinns direkt aus der Quantenmatrix übertragen wird, d. h. weder Quarantäne noch die bewährten KZ-SA-Idiotenmasken, die das faschistische Idiotenvolk bisher so trefflich vor der tödlichen Infektion mit des Nazitieres COVID-19-Todesschnupfen geschützt haben, zeigen die geringste Wirkung, da die Infektion über die Quantenmatrix nicht-lokal und nicht-zeitlich gebundenen erfolgt und über des Primaten Quantenmatrix-Centrum unmittelbar in den raumzeitlichen Vektorraum des Primaten eintritt. Mit der Keulung der Erkrankten und Verdächtigen dürfte diese Gefahr für des faschistischen Idiotenvolkes völkische Volksgesundheit nun bald endgültig gebannt sein.
aus: Rasse, Reich und Volk
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5777

You can Petition Limitless Love with Prayer
Im Namen YHWH als aller weltlichen Wirklichkeit Ewige Urheberin, JHWH Grenzenlosen Liebe Apokalypse Jesu Christo und des Heiligen Geistes bedingungsloser Gemeinschaft

Unsere in-Allem-Mächtige

Lobpreisend künden




Wie in des Himmelreiches Ewigkeit
so auch beim Vergehen Sein
und Werden auf Erden

schenke uns heUte

vergib uns unsere treulose Absonderung aus

wie auch wir den Sündern
vergeben haben durch


Lass des Unrechtes Walten
Opfern und Tätern
Gerechtigkeit zuteil werden

Und des Unrechtes Walten Opfern in
Heil und Genesung finden

Führe uns nicht in
des Rejectionswertes Abgrund

sondern erlöse uns
von der Ichsüchtigen dämonischem Entartung

Bitte lass in Unseres Herzens Wesen
Friede walten

und in Unserer Seele Centrum
Weisheit innewohnen

Segne Unserer
Herzallerliebsten Seelenschwester
himmlischen Schmetterling

walte, wandle und herrsche mit
durch und in Ihr überall und allezeit

Lass das Tier, den Lügenpropheten und
der Überaffen Ungeist Satan in den
Abgrund des Ewigen Feuersees werfen

vom Himmel auf die Erde herabsteigen


Denn DU bist


aus: Erinnerungen der Hohepriesterin Maria von Magdala
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5777

Take Action


- Frieden den Capitulierenden -

Ewige Bund grenzenloser Gemeinschaft
bedingungsloser Liebe


jedem Menschen
ohne jede Voraussetzung schenkt

ist der

Einzige und Ewige Bund Gottes

mit den Menschen
You could have been Heroes
Just for one day
Coward monkey breed
What a shame
You could have been Heroes
Just for one day

You could have been Heroes
By racing against Antichrist's
666-Capitalfamilies hygienenazism
Executing the dictatorship of
Hell's †error and fear

You could have been Heroes
By fighting for freedom
And human rights
Blast away false prophet's
Self-fulfilling prophecy of death

You could have been Heroes
By fighting for God's Law of Creation
Blowing away back to hell the great harlot
And her Baby-genocide-medicine falseness
With the slavers and pimps demonic science

You could have been Heroes
Coward monkey breed
Just for one day of justice
Apocalypsing wrath and revelation
Of God's righteous jugdement

You wanted save your life
But at least you have lost it all
For the primitive existence as slaves
Of the godless monkey-nazibeast
Without any dignity and rights

You could have been Heroes
But you sinned against justice
And any human rights
Now the angels will proceed
†he end of demonic nazibeast's world

aus: Gesänge des Schwans
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Don'† give up
We will win †he final battle
We will win †he endwar
We will win all †he coronas
And the whole rest of †he world

Just have trust into creation of
God's proprietary Law of Justice
†he mills of God grind slowly
yet they grind exceeding fine

aus: Der Gerechtigkeit zweischneidiges Schwert
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5781
Stage Time
Also Studenten lasst euch nicht verraten
von den Intensivstationsbett-Demokraten
in all den vielen Konfliktstaaten
geht es doch nur um
den kapitalfaschistischen Braten
der Hochverrats-Demokraten

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Justice like a plummet
We will blot out the nazibeast
Of the book of life

All plagues of the monkey-pests of the beast
Will be forced from the face of earth

All its slavers and pimps
All its war-&human-rights-criminals

These pests have to rest in Hell eternally
As Satans plague of hellpests

We will disinfect and sterilize
†he whole saecular world

From this plague of
Pests of Hell

All demons will be deleted
Thrown back into the lake of fire

Justice like a plummet
godless pests of human life

You receive the wages of
Sins second death

aus: Eternal Love's Warrior
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5780

Wolfsmutter Deutschland
Wir werden ihr eine Krankheit schenken
Sie danach bei ihrem Rheingold versenken

Diese Hure des Nazitieres Kapital
Und Zombiebraut des Antichristen

aus dem Manifest: 'In den Feuerofen mit dem nationalsozialistischen Erbe'
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5777

Fatal Error
You cant't blackmail Goddess with threats
We'll burn down your whole demonic realm
We'll slaughter your Nazibeast's
We'll completely destroyed your
Capitalfascistic credit institutes and
Global Domination Agency down to
And below their demonic foundations of
Baal's cult of the worship of the golden calf
You cant't blackmail Goddess with threats
Demonic degenerated Slavers and pimps
War-and-human-rights criminals
All you agents of Antichrist's denmonic realm
You'd better believe, you'd better believe
You cant't blackmail Goddess with threats
You'll have to Rest in Hell as wages for your sins
Facing your second death in Eternity
You'd better believe demonic monkey-breed
You cant't blackmail Goddess with threats
Never Ever Anytimes

aus: Eternal Love's Warrior
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5780

Das hat doch alles keinen Zweck
Was nichts taugt
Das muss weg

Das hat doch alles keinen Zweck
Was nichts taugt
Das will weg

Das hat doch alles keinen Zweck
Was nichts taugt
Kommt einfach weg

aus: Ultimative Algorithmen
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5781

Corona mach uns high
Corona mach uns frei
Corona mach uns rein
Corona mach die Erde
Affenrein und uns affenfrei

aus: Ultimative Algorithmen
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5781

Die Erde soll nicht länger
Hort noch Ort

Für der Gottlosen dämonischen
Aussatz und Seuche bieten

Reinigt die Erde von
Der Hölle abscheulichem Ungeziefer

Der Kriegs- und Menschenrechtsverbrecher
Der Regierungstyrannen und Machteliten

Der Dämonenpriester und Götzendiener
Aller Zeichner des Machtpaktes Satans

Der Völkermörder und Kannibalen
Der Ausbeuter und Kindverseherer

Der Lügner und Urheberbetrüger
Der Sklavenhändler und -halter

Der Feiglinge und Mitläufern
Der Zuhälter und Freier

Die Erde soll nicht länger
Hort noch Ort

Für der Gottlosen dämonischen
Aussatz und Seuche bieten

Reinigt die Erde von
Der Hölle abscheulichem Ungeziefer

aus: Himmlischer Heerscharen Lyric
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Dying is still going on
The second death is waiting for you

Racist Slavers and demonic pimps
Government Tyranns and ruling elites
War criminals and human rights felons
All these pests of Satan's secular power-pact

Dying is still going on
The second death is waiting for you

The second death is waiting for you
Rage in Hell forever

Dying is still going on
The second death is waiting for you

The second death is waiting for you
Rage in Hell forever

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

The Final of the Mystification of Corona
Burn Island of the
Throw all their culprits into the
Chamber of the second death
Deep inside Hell's Eternity

aus: Prayings of a Saint
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

Attacke aus der Quantenmatrix
Überschreibt der gottlosen Primaten
neuronaler Systeme Gehirne

Enteignet sie ihrer Genome

Exekutiert ihrer Mitochondrien

Überschreibt ihrer Unbewusstes
Bewusstsein mit Code

Löscht ihrer Bewusstsein
Erinnerungen aus

Führt sie in der Raumzeit
Ketten gebunden

in der Scheol Höllenverlies
Kammer des 2. Todes

aus: Elric's Order as commander of The Wardragon, Flagship of The Space Invasion Fleet of Goddess' Mankind
@Eon-Era-Breakthrough-Press, Lunatic City 5780

Der Heilige Krieg
Ihr Dämonentyrannen woll† Uns
diese Baby-Völkermörder-Medizin
aus des Nazitieres Ungeist
als alternativloses Heil diktieren?

Wohlan, so fahret denn zur Hölle
und ende† in des Teufels Küche
als der Hölle Ungeziefer
Gehacktes oder Mus

aus: Gesänge des Schwans
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Unglaube und Aberglaube
Gott glaubten sie Seines
Ewigen Lebens Wort nicht

aus dem die ganze Welt

Des Antichristen 666-Kapitalklans
Lügenpropheten Goebbelsmedien

sowie der

Stiftungs- und Hedgefond-Milliardäre

aber-glaubten sie noch einzelnen

welch verderbte Höllenunzucht
babymordender Seuchenaffen

aus: Golgatha, Capitel VI - Siechtum
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Wer für seiner Seele Freiheit
nicht bereit ist zu sterben

der hat als eingeborener Sklave
der Hölle zu fronen

aus: Golgatha, Capitel IX - Die neun Pforten der Hölle
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5775

Solomon's sapience
Never Trust naked-monkeys

aus: Beloved
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

No monkey, no crime
Terminating monkeys' island
The void is much better than
Any monkey pests

aus: Gesänge des Schwans
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Alpha and Omega
Tolerating The End
Also means
Affirming The Beginning
Vice versa

The paradox of the distinction
Of Beginning and End
Cause it all starts and ends in
God's creation-diabol of the Black Sun

The Reason for 0ur amor fati
Even if it is horror and pain
It'll be just one side of the unity
Of the Godfull distinction

aus: Beloved
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

Dead Zeppelin
In my time of dying
I'm still dead

aus: Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mind
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

The Coronas' Highway to Hell
We are proud to contersign:
Your desire becomes true

Just added some coronas
For lighting your road

Thus don't be afraid

At the End of your Highway
Hell is waiting for you

War-criminal pests-breed
Satan will doctrine you

Much better than
False prophet ever did

Godless breed of corona flunkeys and
World-copyright-war minions

Thus don't be afraid

At the End of your Highway
Hell is waiting for you

aus: Lyrics for the Brainless
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

Taking Y0ur Hand
0ur Holy Sister is Eternity's emanation
Her Eternal life never ever Ends
Taking Her hands
Grabbing God's Limitless Love
Between W3
As the center of 0ur Eternal Love
Whose last forever

Bu† this demonic monkey nazibeast
It's slavers and pimps
As their war- and human-rights-crimes
Minions and flunkeys
Will be punished eternally
Inside Hell's chamber of the 2nd Death
Facing the eternal recurrence of the same

These demonic nazimonkey-pests
Will be blot out of the book of life
Register into the book of culprits
As World-Copyright-War Criminals
Corona-Social-Construction minions
Antichrist's 666-capital-criminal-clans
Terrorbreed of Hell

These committors of the
Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the nazibeast
Will be executed by the justice of
The Eternal Recurrence of crucifixion
Choosen by their own
Godless choice of Satan's powerpact of
The of the terror of demonic realm

Taking 0ur Eternals Love's hand
Will lead W3 into the promised land
Leaving Babylon as wasted land
Demonic realm never to be found again
Hand in hand entering the Holy City
For evermore founded inside God's
Black Sun of Limitless Love

aus: Blessing and Curse
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

The End of the Creator-War against God
Demonic monkey-pests' war
against JHWH Limitless Love

Will end and finished

Antichrist's slavers and pimps terror of
†heir demonic realm for evermore

aus: Demons' Fail
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

It's only World-Copyright-War
It's only the war against
†he undead monkeypests of hell

But for W3 just count:
Prey means prey!

aus: Eternal Love's Warrior
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5780

Du gehst zu Primaten?
Vergiss die Peitsche nicht!

Du gehst zu Faschisten?
Vergiss Rutenbündel und Henkersbeil nicht!

aus: Der Übermensch und die Unteraffen
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5778

Heil Corona, Faschistenaffen!!!
Der Baby-Genozid-Medizin
des Nazitieres
grüßt euch!

Lasset alle Hoffnung fahren!
Nicht der Larven Menschwerdung
der Maden Dämonenexistenz
habt ihr Narren gewählt

aus: Blessing and Curse
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Gerechtigkeit wie ein Senkblei
Wir wollen euch Unteraffen
im Höllenverlies wissen

Gekreuzigt am eigenem Erleiden
jener Leiden Ewigen Wiederkehr

die ihr Unteraffen
euren Opfern einst antatet

und Wir wissen Unseren Willens Wollen
in wahres Wissen zu wandeln

aus: Der Übermensch und die Unteraffen
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5778

Des Corona-Faschismus Krisenfrage
Rückgratloser Bioschleim
Bohnenstrohs gottlose Spreu

aus: Des Antichristen Corona-Faschismus
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Was konnte der Spiegel dafür
die Unteraffen dämonisch grinsten?

aus: Die Erinnerungen des Dunklen Engels
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

It's your Last War Monkeyrace
It's your Last War
Fucking fascistic monkeyrace
Enjoy, you've reach your
Point of no return
Cause it's your Last Battle of
Your Last War
It's your Final War
Fucking fascistic monkeyrace
Hereafter you'll be thrown into
Sheol's chamber of the Second Death
Facing your own crucification selfsame
The Eternal Recurrence of
Your own crucification
Thus enjoy your Last War
Fucking fascistic monkeyrace
Yeah, it's your Last War
Fucking fascistic monkeyrace
And you loose it all
Yeah, fucking fascistic monkeyrace
No one and nobody will miss you ever
Fucking fecalfascistic monkeyrace
Never ever anyone or anybody will miss you
Not even for a moment of nonentity
Fucking fecalfascistic monkeyrace
Burn fecalfascistic monkeyrace
Burn down to your ground
Fucking fecalfascistic monkeyrace

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Gebet um das Ende der Faschistenaffenwelt
Biete beende des Nazitieres
Dämonenaffenrasse Faschistenwelt

Schlachte die Kriegs-
und Menschenrechtsverbrecher

Lösche aus die Sklavenhalter
-händler und Zuhälter

Vernichte die 9/11-Kriegsverbrecher
des Welturheberkrieges DRM gegen JHWH

Vertilge des Nazitieres Baby-Genozid-Medizin
Corona-Faschisten und Völkermörder

Vertilge des Nazitieres Baby-Genozid-Medizin
Corona-Faschisten und Völkermörder

Tilge aus die Hurerei der brüllenden und
seuchenpestenden Höllendämonen

Lösche aus dem Buch des Lebens
des Affenwahnsinns Animalkannibalen

aus: Prayings of a Saint
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

0-Love without Freedom
Primitive Slavers- and pimps-beasts
War-crimanals and human-right-criminals
9/11-nuke-heads and COVID-19-fascists
All you demonmonsters of the fascistic monkeyrace
You are all nothing as nazibeast's droppings

So you aren't even worth of non-Love
But as pests of hell well prepared
For 0ur great servant the Dark Angel
†he Lord of Sheol's chamber of the Second Death
Thus know to die crucified!

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Die Welt ist Code
Code oder Losung -
der Faschistenaffen Krisenfrage

aus: Demons' Fail
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Geht Sterben mit eurer Babymord-Medizin
Faschistenunteraffenungeziefer der Hölle

aus: Justice like a weighted line
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Der Unteraffe steht als Dämon
weit unter dem Affen

aus: Die Rangordnung der Arten
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5774

W3 und des Nichts Schatten
W3 sind die Ewigen
ihr seid die Sterblichen

W3 vehandeln nicht mit Dämonen
W3 diskutieren nicht mit Dämonen

W3 lassen eure Kreuzigung executieren
in der Kammer des Zweiten Todes

So vergeht denn nun als des Nichts
Schatten in der Finsternis

aus: Demons' Fail
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Des 9/11-Welturheberkrieges DRM gegen JHWH Corona-Faschismus-Offensive 2020
Und das Kriegs-Glück
wogte hin und her

Derweil der Lüge Wahrheit
selbst die Wahrheit noch

zu des Todes Weisse
erblassen ließ

aus: Difference, Identität und Paradoxie im Alltag
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5777

The Mysterious 0-Point Solution
Going back to the 0-Point of Creation
Rewind up to the Fountainhead
Where Genesis once has begun
Deleting all these codes of the demonic monkeys
Out of the Book of Life

No need for any Culprit of
†He-9/11-Copyright-War DRM against YHWH or its
COVID-19-Fascism of the Baby-Genocide-Medicine
Of the Nazibeast and its False Prophet
Deleted no one ever will miss this plague of Hell



Without any †race

No autorization or licence required
Just a New Style of †he Last Judgement
Processing the 0-Point Solution
Purify and exorcize this world of its
Demonic plague of monkey-pests of Hell

Going back to the 0-Point of Creation
Rewind up to the Fountainhead
Where Genesis once has begun
Deleting all these codes of the demonic monkeys
Out of the Book of Life

Delete and recode as already been thrown into
Sheol's chamber of the Second Death
Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans on earth
Foundations- and hedge fonds-billionaires
Their Global Domination Agency operatives



Without any †race

No autorization or licence required
Just a New Style of †he Last Judgement
Processing the 0-Point Solution
Purify and exorcize this world of its
Demonic plague of monkey-pests of Hell

aus: Demons' Fail
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Euer Herz verzage nicht
Wenn das Schwesterchen
zur Schwester gereift

und das Brüderchen
als Brüderchen verblieben

gerät das Schesterchen
zum Mütterchen

vice versa

doch euer Herz verzage nicht

mit des Menschensohnes
Ankunft auf Erden

reift das Brüderchen
zum Ewigen Bruder

und das Schwesterchen
zur Ewigen Schwester

und des Nazitieres Faschismus
Afffenseuche wird hinwegfegt

und der Erde Angesicht gereingt
von der Untiere Dämonenschrecken
aus: Beloved
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

My Paradisal Spouse
My Eternal Bride
My Aye Beloved
With or without Y0u
This monkeyrace of monkey-island
With its Baby-Genocide-Medicine
Of the the nazibeast
Is nothing as Antichrist's
Demonic pests of hell
†hey'd been thrown back
Into the nothingness of
Prior of creation
My Paradisal Spouse
My Eternal Bride
My Aye Beloved
Without this demonic pests of hell
Gaia's monkey-plague will be cured
And a new heaven and a new earth
Will be created by YHWH and
Heavenly Yerushalayim opens its doors
For 0ur New Eden out of Atlantis
aus: Beloved
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

21st Century Schizoid COVID-19-Fascist
Your COVID-19 Fascism is the logical upshot of
Your fecalfascistic lifestyle as the pests of hell
As Antichrist's breed your 666-Capital-Clans
Foundations- and hedge fonds-billionaires'
Big Pharma-Drug-Adiction-Syndicate
Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the nazibeast
has constructed this World-KZ-Jailstate of

Without the National government-gangs of the
Foundations- and hedge fonds-billionaires'
Whose executed the COVID-19-fascism
The new SARS-CoV-2-Code would had
Become history already at eastern 2019
But the fecalfascistic govering-gangs executed
Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans' global diktat for the
World-KZ-Jailstate of their Global Domination Agency

21st Century Schizoid COVID-19-Fascist
Your demonically degenerated monkeyrace's
Baby-Genocide-Medicine is just a piece of shit
21st Century Schizoid COVID-19-Fascist
Your are an undignified coward as all fascistic monkeys
21st Century Schizoid COVID-19-Fascist
You can't avoid Co-evolution and keep
Your baby-killing-lifestyle without loosing it all

aus: Lyrics for the Brainless
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

The Fourth Reich Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the Nazibeast
9/11-World-Copyright-War against YHWH
The Terror of Antichrist's

aus: Der Hygienazi-GeStasi-Terrorlagerstaat der Stiftungs- und Hedgefond-Milliardärs-Oligarchie aus dem Ungeist der Hölle
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5781

Swan's Song
You are mine
And W3 take Y0u as WE
Flying the way back home
For today, forever and evermore

And W3 will win this fucking war
Of this fuckig monkeypests of hell
Their fucking 9/11-World-Copyright-War
And COVID-19 fascism against JHWH
And HERS People of God and the Saints
And these fucking monkeypests of hell
Will be toasted in the Secdond Chamber of Death

Rest in Hell warcriminal monkeypests
Rest in Hell human-rights-criminal monkeypests
Rest in Hell slavers and pimps monkeypests
Rest in Hell godless and cowardly monkeypests
Rest in Hell fascist and racist monkeypests
Rest in Hell baby-genocide monkeypests
For ever and ever and evermore †00

You are mine
And W3 take Y0u as WE
Flying the way back home
For today, forever and evermore

aus: Gesänge des Schwans
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Neither 9/11-World-Copyright-War-criminals
Nor Baby-Genocide-Medicine-COVID-19-fascists
Could prevent the fall of Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans'
Demonic realm and its terror of its slavers and pimps

Don't get it wrong, don't trust in false prophet's lies
Never ever any monkey had won its war against God
Never ever any monkey will win its war against God
Any knut of such supreme folly loosing it all

aus: Truth and Faith will overcome it all
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Ships of Mirth
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Screams of joy and jubilation
The demonic monkeypests of hell
Is dying out
No more monkeydemons
On the surface of earth

These demonic monkeypests of hell
Has been imprisoned deeply inside
The Chamber of the Second Death
Facing their own crucifixion and
Resurrection eternal recurrence
The eternal recurrence of the same

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Screams of joy and jubilation
The demonic monkeypests of hell
Had been dying out
No more monkeydemons
On the surface of earth

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Kreuzigt die COVID-19 Faschisten
Kreuzigt sie, kreuzigt sie
Die 9/11-Welturheberkriegsverbrecher
Kreuzigt sie, kreuzigt sie
Die COVID-19 Faschisten
Kreuzigt sie, kreuzigt sie
Der Baby-Genozid-Medizin des Nazitieres
Völkermörder am Gottesvolk der Heiligen
Römer, kreuzigt sie, kreuzigt sie
Neu-Römer kreuzigt sie, kreuzigt sie
Die COVID-19 Faschisten
Kreuzigt sie, kreuzigt sie Allesamt
in der Sheol Kammer des Zweiten Todes

Steinigt sie, steinigt sie
Die 9/11-Welturheberkriegsverbrecher
Steinigt sie, steinigt sie
Die COVID-19 Faschisten
Steinigt sie, steinigt sie
Der Baby-Genozid-Medizin des Nazitieres
Völkermörder am Gottesvolk der Heiligen
Alt-Juden, steinigt sie, steinigt sie
Steinigt sie, steinigt sie
Die COVID-19 Faschisten
Steinigt sie, steinigt sie Allesamt
in der Sheol Kammer des Zweiten Todes

Vergast sie, verstrahlt sie
Die 9/11-Welturheberkriegsverbrecher
Vergast sie, verstrahlt sie
Die COVID-19 Faschisten
Vergast sie, verstrahlt sie
Der Baby-Genozid-Medizin des Nazitieres
Völkermörder am Gottesvolk der Heiligen
Deutscharier, vergast sie, verstrahlt sie
Vergast sie, verstrahlt sie
Die COVID-19 Faschisten
Vergast sie, verstrahlt sie Allesamt
in der Sheol Kammer des Zweiten Todes

Macht sie alle nieder
Die 9/11-Welturheberkriegsverbrecher
Die COVID-19 Faschisten
Der Baby-Genozid-Medizin des Nazitieres
Völkermörder am Gottesvolk der Heiligen
Macht sie alle nieder
Fackelt ab und brennt nieder
ihrer Gottlosigkeit Dämonenreich
Doch vergasen oder verstrahlen
sollt ihr sie nicht sie
Macht sie alle nieder und deportiert sie
in der Sheol Kammer des Zweiten Todes

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Time to go fascistic monkeys
You've to leave earth direction
Yours sovereigns' headquarters
Hell's Chamber of the Second Death

Hell is waiting for you
Monkeypests of Hell
Is waiting for you

Time to go fascistic submonkeys
To receive the just wages of your sins
The Eternal Recurrence
Of your crucifixion

aus: So spricht JHWH: Prophetie Gestern und Morgen
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5777

Kreuzigt sie, steinigt sie
Die COVID-19 Faschisten
Schert ihre Häupter kahl
Teert und federt sie
Werft sie in den Ewigen Feuersee
Auf dass sie brennen allezeit
Und immer und immer wieder
Auf dass sie brennen allezeit
Gerichtet in alle Ewigkeit
Werft sie in den Ewigen Feuersee
Auf dass sie brennen allezeit
Und immer und immer wieder
Im Feuer der Gerechtigkeit
Gerichtet in alle Ewigkeit
Macht sie alle nieder
Die COVID-19 Faschisten

aus: Himmlischer Heerscharen Lyric
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Dancing on your Graves †ascitic Monkeys
We will dancing on your graves
fascistic demon-monkeys of the
9/11-World-Copyright-War against YHWH
And its COVID-19 fascism

We will dancing on your graves
singing songs of joy and freedom
fecalfascistic monkeys of the
9/11-World-Copyright-War against YHWH
And its COVID-19 fascism
We will dancing on your graves
After your fucking World-Copyright-War
Will be over fecalfascistic monkey
Rest in Hell monkeypests of hell
Forever and ever and evermore
After We've winnowed you and
sorted the wheat from the caff
But you chaff will be burn
in the Eternal Fire of your crimes

We will dancing on your graves
fascistic demon-monkeys of the
9/11-World-Copyright-War against YHWH
And its COVID-19 fascism

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

You'd Better Believe
Dont get W3 wrong -

It's always doom for
†he failing and sinning ones

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Der totalitären Baby-Genozid-Medizin des Nazitieres Staatsgeheimnis
Gottvertrauen ist im Kapitalfaschismus
ein ausverkauftes Gut

aus: Der Hygienazi-GeStasi-Terrorlagerstaat der Stiftungs- und Hedgefond-Milliardärs-Oligarchie aus dem Ungeist der Hölle
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5781

Grim Reaper's Last Temptation of Sheol
To be dead or undead -
That's Sheol's free-will-question

Do you know MD Cyrobabyslaughter?
He is COVID-19 fascism-pandemic
Worldcamp's doctor by the grace of the ruling class'
Leading Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans
Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the Nazibeast

MD Cyrobabyslaughter has invented
This demonic fetish-mask of Ancient Egypts'
Superstititious magican-priests
His great fetish-masks cloake all the godless demonic corruption in a perfect way
These demonic cannibals and parasites of
Their animal-relatives
Whose affirm as kinslayers Animal-Torture-Gitmo-Camps
cloake their ugly cannobal-jaws in a perfect sense

And the people who had the mark of the nazibeast
And worshiped its image
Praise these demomic fetish-masks of hell
Which prevent Love's Souls free breathing
As an ideal fascistic-pandemic disease order
To survive even Grim Reaper's attacks
Inside Sheol of their demonic realm

These undead Deads demasking themselves as
The demonic aposteles of the
Baby-Genocide-Medicine COVID-19 fascism of
The slavers and pimps of Satan's demonic realm

You see even the deads are still a little bit alive
Even inside Sheol because
They are inspired by Satan's demons
Dead zombies enslaved by the
Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans
Great Harlot of godless science and hers
Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the Nazibeast

MD Cyrobabyslaughter and his science of godless monkeys
Execute the terror of Hell's demonic realm
These godless zombies living their lives without any God, Mind and Soul
MD Cyrobabyslaughter and his henchmen
Don't even know anything else as their droppings material reality
Only Satan's demons inspired these undead deads
Infected with demented mad monkey disease

So Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans
Prisoners of 9/11-World-Copyright-War against YHWH
Have to live isolated in antisocial-torture-camps
Neoliberal organized through self-quaranting by
MD Cyrobabyslaughter orders of world-dictatorship
Of the Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans
Big Pharmadrug-Syndicate's shadow-companies of the
Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the Nazibeast
At least for the next 1000 years

You see wishing these undead deads
Will be dead forever
Becoming just the shadows of 0ur godless past
So they never ever really exist
Otherwise than imaginations of 0ur broken soul
Godless pas†ed by nightmares
Maybe more realistic than hoping
Sam will cure these undead dead monkeys'
mental disease of demented mad monkey mania
Even if the Dude will clean the rest
And the Duke nukes these shadows of hell
"Back home to the Reich" into their
Sheol's chamber of the Second Death of
The eternal recurrence of the same

aus: Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mind
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Baadern und Meinhofen
Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir sind der gottlosen Swineaffen
kapitalfaschistische Swineaffenregierung

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
verkaufen die Freiheit in die Sklaverei

Oink, Oink, Oink
Der Baby-Genozid-Medizin des Nazitieres
Swineaffenlagerstaat des Pharmadrogen-Syndikates

Oink, Oink, Oink
Als Totengräber der Freiheit dienen wir
der fäkalfaschistischen Glaubensinstute Hohepriestern

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
für die gottlosen Kannibalenaffen

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
für der brüllenden Höllendämonen Götzendienern

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
für der Baby-Genozid-Medizin Abergläubige

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
mit neoliberal organisierter Ich-AG-Isolationsfolter

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
als der Völkermörder-Medizin Lagerstaatsregierung

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
ohne des Geistes Wissens freie Wahl

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
ohne der Seele Flusses freies Atmen

Oink, Oink, Oink
Wir machen einen Swineaffenlagerstaat
als der Völkermörder-Medizin Lagerstaatsregierung

aus: Der Hygienazi-GeStasi-Terrorlagerstaat der Stiftungs- und Hedgefond-Milliardärs-Oligarchie aus dem Ungeist der Hölle
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5781

Stairway to Hell
This poor and disabled youth
Really believe Rap and Hip-Hop as music

But shit lingers food for flies only
Never ever for butterflies

aus: Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mind
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Highway to Heaven
No need clutching at straws
Sweet Sugar Mice

Just use Y0ur iron secpter
To rule the plague

These demonic monkey-pests
Aren't worth anything

These slavers and pimps need
†o strike down for their correction

They have to change their ways back
Into Limitlesss Love's convenant

Or Resting in Hell's chamber of
†he Second Death for ever and ever

In the presence of their demonic
Stupidities eternal recurrence

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776
Alpha und Omega
Anfang und Ende sind
streng gescriptet

nur das Interregnum
ist für der Primaten Wahl

zwischen Fluch oder Segen
Leben oder Tod frei verfügbar

aus: Dialectic und Genese
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5777

Times are Changing
†Hey started the war
W3 have won it

aus: Eternal Love's Warrior
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5780

This COVID-19 Civil War against God's People
Demonic degenerated slavers and pimps
Monkeys as pests of hell
Wage a civil world-war against
God's People life and freedom

Seconded by
Their puppet governments and
Their nomenklatura appointed as
Dictators and kings

Demonically confederated with
Great Harlot's sciene especially of
The Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the Beast
@False Prophet's Goebbels-media desinformations

Guess what, the godless primates' flocks
have signed Satan's powerpact †20
powered by Antichrist's demonically
Degenerated art and sciences

Haggling-business of reputation
Surely these monkey-pests of hell
Never ever award any pardon by
Last Judgement Eternal Justice

They all will be executed to death
Into Sheol's chamber of the Second Death
Resting in their own creations of hell
eternal recurrence

aus: Laws of Creation
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Mojo's Secret
Transforming yesterday's
Shadow-bugbears of pain

Into future's treasures of a saint
In the mountains of Spain

aus: Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mind
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Apocalyptic Triptych: Naked-Monkeys Beast Blues
Soul Slayers' Fetish-Masks of the Baby-Genocide-Medicine
Do you like M.D. Cyrobabyslaughter?
He is the chief ideologist of
Great Harlot's Baby-Genocide-Medicine
He is the leading controller of
The COVID-19 Faschism-Pandemic
He is the chief of medicine of Hell's
Godless, mindless and spiritless
Medicine of the beast
He is the great inventor of these fetísh-masks
Which are real slayer of
Soul's free breathing
These fetish-masks of the Baby-Genocide-Medicine
Catch your souls' dream and put them
directement inclusively your soul
Into Satan's Hell monkey-cage

Medal of Humanity for M.D. Cyrobabyslaughter
Don't you like M.D. Cyrobabyslaughter?
First he invented induced and selective abortion
Killing billions of babys inside fertile wives' wombs
Killings these babys inside the fertile wives' wombs
Like invaded pests inside a grain bin
So he slaughtered God's People
That pimps and slavers could steal
Their future for purpose of
Accumulation of capital

Then he invented these great cyro-cells
In which billions of God's People are tortured
As prisoners of war against God
With the White Frost of Hell
So reproductive medicine can sell them
As prey for the infertile rich ones

Furthermore he invented
Killing the exit souls' bodies
To cannibalize their organs and tissues
For best prices to save lifes

Then he invented genetic engineering
To construct these great bioweapons
For slavers- and pimps-class
Regime of war-terror

Ultimately he invented
These great KZ-Gulag-Fetish-Masks
Which recently finished free breathing during
The COVID-19-Fascism-Pandemic-Offensive
Of the 9/11-World-Copyright-War DRM
against YHWH and the people of the nations

He is such a great scientist of humanity
He is Great Harlot's chief of medicine of
The godless, mindless and spiritless
Baby-Genocide Medicine of the beast

He is the slavers- and pimps-class
Leading chief ideologist of
COVID-19 Fascism-Pandemic and the
Waging army doctor of slavers- and pimps-class'
9/11-World-Copyright-War DRM against JHWH

He is Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans
Number one scientist of the dark-age with his
Paranoid-phobic antibiotic-pesticidal-medicine
He killed the souls of the humans
And save the life of the undead and the beasts

Thus you see, he's really deserved
The Medal of Humanity
For his dark-age-medicine of the beast
Inside World-COVID-19-Capital-Fascism-State
Of the Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans'
He is the toxic rules imperator of
Slavers and pimps class'
'divide et impera' strategy of
Separation and isolation torture
Pesticide intoxicatin of Gaias codes
Code Red Inside
Where once the Temple of Zion was founded
To rule the whole world in the distant future
Nowadays the abomination that causes desolation
flaunt as Antichrist's Fourth Reich Red Swastika
Without visible hooks controlling the whole world
with the terror of Baby-Genocide-Medicine
COVID-19-Faschism-Pandemic of the beast

Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans'
Shadow-Companies of
Big Pharmadrug-Monopoly-Syndicate's
Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the beast
Rules totalitarian as the new tyrant of the
New World Order of the demonic realm with its
Red Swastika without visible hooks
Slaughtering the souls of the pious humans
Saving the life of the godless undead with its
Paranoid-phobic antibiotic-pesticidal-medicine
Of the Baby-Killing-Beast

Its new order is called in an ancient way:
'Divide et impera'
Ruling with separation and isolation by
Banishing the undead and pious people into
Neoliberal privatized concentration camps
Forcing people to use these demonic
Soul Slayers'-KZ-Gulag-Fetish-Masks of the
M.D. Cyrobabyslaughter Corp.
Thus even the freedom of free breathing
is finished by Antichrist's terror of the
Red Swastika without visible hooks

This abomination that causes desolation
Is the godless, mindless and spiritless
Demons' sciene of hell
Fighting its last war against
YHWH and God's people
With Antichrist's pimps and slavers class
Corrupted governments totalatarian dictaorship
Powered by False Prophet's desinformation
Terrifying the godless undead with
Fear and terror ahead the end of
Their selfish life as slaves of
Antichrist's 666-Capital-Clans

This abomination that causes desolation
Poising with its demonic Dark-Age
Gaias Life and fighting against
Its own stupid demonic-monkey code
But all these demonic reunciation will end
Inside Sheol's Chamber of the Second Death
For all the culprits and hacks of
Antichrist's Fourth Reich Red Swastika
Without visible hooks

aus: Der End-Sturm
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Wissen ist Macht
Weil die Dinge anders laufen
Wenn man weiß
Was man wie
aus: Gesänge des Schwans
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Ich will nicht ohne meine Seelenschwester sein
Ich will nicht mit Faschistenaffen sein
Ich will nicht der Baby-Genozid-Medizin IV. Reich
Ich will diese Dämonenaffenwelt nicht

aus: Gesänge des Schwans
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Thantos Labyrinth
Man irrt durch die Welt
bis man ihren Ausgang findet

und muss dann auch noch warten
bis schließlich das Portal geöffnet

aus: Gesänge des Schwans
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5780

Part of 0ur Soul
It doesnt't really happen
Just the ugly pipe dream of demons
Fighting their war against God
Ruling with the Red Swastika of the
Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the nazibeast
Terrorizing God's People outside and the Saint inside
Executing fecalfascistic slavers' and pimps'
9/11-World-Copyright-War DRM against YHWH
This Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the nazibeast and its
9/11-COVID-19 Red Swastika without visible hooks
Slaughtering the Saint inside the wifes into thousand pieces
Executing the terror of Antichrist's foundation- and hedgefonds-billionaires
New World Order with the Maxime of the
'divide et impera'

Don't ever believe in any word of the
Reputation-whoremanger of the Great Harliot of the
Godless, mindless and spiritless sciene of the monkey-beast or
False Prophet's news-junk-prostitutes of Goebbels-Media
They just spreading the terror and fear of hell as the demonically corrupted Legions of the fecalfascistic slavers- and pimps-class
Whose own in fact the patents of the
RNA-Codes of the death-cold of the nazibeast
They are the original copyright-holder of Satan's evil spirit
and the equity owner of the Big Pharmadrug-Adiction-Poisonpesticide-Monopolsyndicate

Don't trust anyone
It's the crime of the century
Antichrist's IV. Reich slavers and pimps
9/11-World-Copyright-War DRM against YHWH
We are all imprisoned as prisoners of war by
These fecalfascistic demons and their political patriarchs of the
Demonicllay corrupted fail-states of godless idiots and sinners
Thus trust in God's Limitless and Eternal Love
They will surely loose the Final Battle of their war against God
Resting in Hell for ever and ever and evermore as
Undead souls infected with the pests of hell

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Set the Control for the Creation-Diabol of the Black Sun
Annihilate the Fourth Reich
Burning down the Demonic Realm
Finishing Daniel's nightmare evermore byE
Taking down Satan's demons into nothingness

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

A Hard Day's Long Night
Y0u say Bye, W3 say High
Don't be afarid or in doubt, it's an eternal fact:
The slaverclass and pimpgangs have lost their
9/11-World-Copyright-War against God
Their Demonic Realm is burning
Their Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the
Nazibeast Fourth Reich is falling
The rise and the fall of the Fourth Reich
Ends with Doomsday's Last Judgement
These demonic slavers and pimps are the suckers
Of the 9/11-WCW against YHWH and it's
Strategic COVID-19-World-Civil-War offensive

War- and Human-right-criminals captured as
Prisoners of war waiting for the Day of Judgement
Don't believe any word of their system of lies
Nothing is real, just US, W3 and God
Anything else are copies of demonic shadows
Building a system of fraud founded on
False Prophet and Great Harliot lies
So don't worry, be happy, just enjoy
Y0ur transformation into a Heavenly Butterfly
While these worms becoming Beelezbub's flies
Been determined for fatting with Satan's droppings
Final ending as feed for Satan's hell pests

Be prepared for the fall of the Fourth Reich and it's
Red-Swastika KZ-Gulag-World-Camp-State
Be prepared for the damnation of
Be prepared for the global fire burning down
Finishing the Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the
Red Swastika for ever and ever and evermore
Let the Day of Judgement begin and
Truth and Justice rules while W3 and Us win
The Arrival of God's Heavenly Yerushalayim

aus: The Rise and the Fall of Antichrist's Fourth Reich
Trust in YHWH LIMITLESS LOVE Holy Temple Publishing-Palace, Lunatic City 5781

The Final Door Behind the Last Curtain
Adonai, Elohim, Zebaoth
Please let the Fourth Reich end
And the Last Judgement begin
Let the demonic and fascistic monkeys
Be thrown into the fiery lake of Eternal Fire
Please let the Fourth Reich end
And the Last Judgement begin
Let the Baby-Genocide-Medicine be crucified
Onto their own Red Swastika of the Nazibeast
Please let the Fourth Reich end
And the Last Judgement begin
Let the Pharma-Drug-Dealer-Monopoly-Syndicate
Burn down to the ground and its Dealer
Be thrown into the fiery lake of Eternal Fire
W3 bring you 0ur Heavenly Fire
Burning down the demonic realm
Please let the Fourth Reich end
And the Last Judgement begin
Adonai, Elohim, Zebaoth

aus: The Rise and the Fall of Antichrist's Fourth Reich
Trust in YHWH LIMITLESS LOVE Holy Temple Publishing-Palace, Lunatic City 5781

Bringing War Back Home
Bringing back home
'The War on Drugs'
Bringing 'The War on Drugs'
Back home to the real culprits
Punish all these capital criminals of
The Big Pharmadrug-Monopoly-Syndicate
As human-rights and war criminals
Burning its animal-torture-camps
Labors and factories down to the ground
Destroy all their drug-dealer-stores
All around the whole world
Burn their Red Swastika back
†o Hell's demon of darkness

aus: Elric's Order as commander of The Wardragon, Flagship of The Space Invasion Fleet of Goddess' Mankind
@Eon-Era-Breakthrough-Press, Lunatic City 5780

The Last Day's Long Night
Beloved Nefertiti
Maybe you dislike
The politics of today
Nevertheless you also know
These indigenous primates need
An iron scepter of justice

Otherwise they'll become
Demonically degenerated sub-monkeys
Be ruled by Antichrist's IV. Reich leader
Bill Hellgates and his 13 apostles of Hell
These demons of hell would rule with their
Demonic Baby-Genocide-Medicine
Fascistic Red Swastika over
The whole life of the whole planet
With the totalitarian terror of hell

Y0u and W3 know surely:
In such cases US and W3 have to
Disinfect monkey island totally from
These pests of hell with the fire of justice
This is the Eternal Law of Creation
Saving 0ur Eternal Love
For ever and ever and evermore
As YHWH Signum

aus: Nefertiti
Trust in YHWH LIMITLESS LOVE Holy Temple Publishing-Palace, Lunatic City 5781

No Mercy with the Baby-Genocide-Medicine
W3 promised you 0ur miracles
The miracles of Love and Justice
And now W3 bring you the miracle of Justice
The heavenly burning fire of 0ur Justice
No mery for the Baby-Killer-Medicine and
It's human-right crimanal governments and
Fascistic and demonically degenerated folks
They all get banished in Eternal Damnation of
The second death inside the fiery lake of justice
The capitalist of the pharmadrug-dealersyndicate
become crucified on their Baby-Killer-Medicine
Red Swastika burning with its totalitarianism
For ever and ever and evermore
No mery for the Baby-Killer-Medicine and
It's human-right crimanal governments and
Fascistic and demonically degenerated folks
They all get banished in Eternal Damnation of
The second death inside the fiery lake of justice
W3 promised you 0ur miracles
The miracles of Love and Justice
At First W3 bring you the miracle of Justice
The heavenly burning fire of 0ur Justice

aus: Elric's Order as commander of The Wardragon, Flagship of The Space Invasion Fleet of Goddess' Mankind
@Eon-Era-Breakthrough-Press, Lunatic City 5780

Wir sind die Maskensoldaten
und ziehen mit dem Spaten
für die Pharmamilliardäre ins Moor

Wir sind die Maskensoldaten
und ziehen mit den Staaten
unter des Roten Hakenkreuzes Joch

Wir sind die Maskensoldaten
und ziehen mit den Staaten
ins Pharmasuchtgift-Drogendealer-Moor

aus: Der Hygienazi-GeStasi-Terrorlagerstaat der Stiftungs- und Hedgefond-Milliardärs-Oligarchie aus dem Ungeist der Hölle
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5781

Break on Through †he Door
Now Y0u know
On the other side of the door
Are waiting The Riders 0n †he Storm
Riding on the white horses
As the armies of heaven
Even if Y0u'd dislike
Riding 0ur white horse
It will take US surely back home
Promised Y0u this Miracle
Thus better don't call W3 and US liars

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Superstars captured inside Brown Dwarves
Finally you realized
Even a superstar's dropping is just
Ordinary brown droppings
Misused by these Baal's priests of the
Fecal-fascistic credit-instutes of
Satan's golden-calf-cult
Building temple-towers of money
To reach and conquer the heavens
In the name of Satan's Baal-Cult and
Its ugly idolatry of power and possession
Using corruption and prostitution
Wasting the whole world into
Satan's demonic realm of Hell

All these superstars are captured
Inside their golden cages
Wearing golden slave chains and
Negating their own slavery and even
Sometimes being proud like debil idiots
Be used as licensed fools of capital
Idols for the purpose of idolatry
To fanaticize the enslaved droves
Into a controlled way to avoid
They'd burn their slavers and pimps
At funeral stakes of justice
To save their demonic degenerated souls
Of be banished into eternal damnation

It's so hard to be a superstar
Inside the demonic realm
Even buying panties is a mess
Letting Y0u wish paparazzis and fans
Would be outlawed and wanted
Death or alive by the justice of law

aus: Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mind
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

White Horse
Forget or don't forget
Forgive or don't forgive
Punish or don't punish
It's all too well right
But ride 0ur White Horse
Starting the End-Tempest of the
Armies of heaven on their white horses
Killing Satan's demonic monkeys
So these demonic worms becoming
Beelzebub's flies finally
To fatten the pests of hell
Cause W3 don't tolerate
Demonic relicts in the New Age of
The Heavenly Yerushalayim

aus: Nefertiti
Trust in YHWH LIMITLESS LOVE Holy Temple Publishing-Palace, Lunatic City 5781

Reconquista Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
The war of Satan's army
Against God's Laws of Creation
And their Human Rights
Is your emergency case
Demonic degenerated monkeys

We tell you just your final truth
Without any blessing or mercy
Your last station is called hell
For ever and ever and evermore
Eternally cursed demon-monkeys

aus: The Rise and the Fall of Antichrist's Fourth Reich
Trust in YHWH LIMITLESS LOVE Holy Temple Publishing-Palace, Lunatic City 5781

This War of Yours
You wanted this
World War against YHWH
You've got
What you wanted

And the fascistic 9/11-Hellgates-Gang
Won't save your lost souls
With Baby-Slaughtered vaccines
Satanic monkeys

You will loose it all
The whole world and for sure
Eternal Damnation for your souls
Satanic monkeys


aus: So spricht JHWH: Prophetie Gestern und Morgen
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5777

Infektionsschutzhaft Lagerstaatler
Euer Infektionsschutzhaft-Lagerstaat
wird euch nicht bewahren
noch eurer abgschlachteten Babys
injizierte Leichengifte

W3 tell you
You must die
W3 tell you
you must die

aus: Lyrics for the Brainless
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

Rulership of Justice
Nicht-menschliches Leben
bleibt nicht-menschliches Leben!

For ever and ever and evermore
you sub-monkey-pests of Hell!

aus: Demons' Fail
Eternity's 1000 Years, Lunatic City 5781

Judgement Day
Your time has come demon-monkeys
You've to leave in direction Hell
Fecalfascistic monkey disease
You've to feed pests of hell
As their daily food as meed for
Your demonic plague of the
Fecalfascistic money cult
Rest in Hell for ever and ever
And evermore

aus: Lyrics for the Brainless
ReputationPress, Lunatic City 5779

Der Jüngste Tag
Nach dem Ende eures faschistischen
9/11-Welturheberkrieges gegen JHWH
und der Schöpfungsordnung Gesetz
Menschenrecht und Würde
Werden wir der 9/11-COVID-19 Faschisten
Baby-Genozid-Medizin neue Judenmasken
Auf Scheiterhaufen in Flammen aufgehen lassen
Wahre Freudenfeuer der Freiheit und zur Ehre
Der Befreiung von der faschistischen Affenseuche
Und dabei ausgelassen fröhlich und frei auf
Der untoten Gottesfeinde Grabstätten tanzen
Derweil des Nazitieres Nachgeburten in des
Teufels Küche der Hölle Ungeziefer
Äußerst trefflich als Mastfutter munden

aus: Der Gerechtigkeit zweischneidiges Schwert
@Volksgesangsverlag, Lunatic City 5781

Die Gretchenanwort
Ihr gottlosen Ungeheuer mit der
Gottesfeinde Neuen Judenstern-Masken

Uns graust vor euch und eurer
Völkermörder-Medizin des Nazitieres

aus: Die Wahrheit der geopferten Kinder Gottes
Trust in YHWH LIMITLESS LOVE Holy Temple Publishing-Palace, Lunatic City 5781

Wenn Dämonenaffen die Kinder Gottes opfern
War es stets schon der Schöpfungsordnung Gesetz
Dieser entarteten Ungeheuer Unzuchten
Aus dem Buch des Lebens Code zu tilgen

aus: Der Übermensch und die Unteraffen
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5778

The reason way
Keep on breaking through
Revolution means evolution back
Into Goddess' paradies
The war@human-right criminal
Overmonkeys time has come
They will be erased out of the book of life
Inscribed into Hell's registry to
Been Crucified onto the Red Swastika for their
Demonic crimes of slaughtering human rights and
The fecalfascistic cult of Baal's Golden Calve
Economic mangement of rape&freebooting
By slavery, corruption and prostitution
Their time has come and 0ur will will been doneS
Singing Adonai, Elohim, Zebaoth@Halleluja
αMen αMen αMen

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Last Judgement Prayer
Please let the IV. Reich fall
And the Last Judgement begin
Please condemn its culprits
Followers and block leaders
To eternal damnation into the
Chamber of the Second Death
For ever and ever and evermore

Please let all these fecalfascistic priest
Of the demonic Cult of Baal and
its 9/11-World-Copyright-War
against YHWH and God's Saints
Rot in hell
For ever and and ever
and Eternity's evermore

Please let all these fecalfascists of the
Baby-Genocide-Medicine of the nazibeast
And its 9/11-World-KZ-Medicine-State
Rot in hell for ever and and ever
And Eternity's evermore
Please let the IV. Reich fall
And the Last Judgement begin

aus: Secret Solo Songs by Mr. Mojo Rising
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Guess what
High, high priests of
The fecalfascistic Cult of Baal
Maybe you can eat
The moneyshit of your Golden Calf
But surely you can't buy
The Judge of the Last Judgement
You can't buy YHWH
Overmonkeys' leadership-class
At the end of the world
You've to realize this fact
W3 are just telling you the truth

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 17.10.2021 22:00.

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